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20 de junio de 2016
Justin paseando por Minneapolis
(20 de junio)
-Justin vía Instagram.
(19 de junio)
Justin en Lake Minnetonka.
Justin en la iglesia 'River Valley'.
Purpose Tour en Minneapolis, Minnesota
(19 de junio)
Más fotos.
"Where Are Ü Now" y "Get Used To It".
"I'll Show You".
"Look At The Stars", "Home To Mama" y "Love Yourself".
Justin performando "Company" no show da Purpose Tour em Minneapolis (19/06):#PurposeTourMinneapolis— Conexão Bieber (@conexaobieber) 20 de junio de 2016
"Been You".
"No Sense".
"Hold Tight".
"No Pressure".
"No Sense".
"Hold Tight".
"No Pressure".
"Life Is Worth Living".
#3 Justin performando "Life Is Worth Living" no show da Purpose Tour em Minneapolis (19/06)#PurposeTourMinneapolis— Conexão Bieber (@conexaobieber) 20 de junio de 2016